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_Brazil Biomass Energy


Brazil Biomass Energy (BBE), a company controlled by Brazil Energy S.A. (Brazil Energy), is focused on the generation of heat and/or electricity from biomass in Brazil. The company’s differential is in the development of efficient solutions, which always consider total understanding of the complete lifecycle of the business, from the initial consultations, development of the engineering solution integrated with the overall business management, to the solutions to improve performance.

BBE operates with major focus on the forestry and sugar-alcohol industries, both of which producers of waste with high energy potential, in addition to developing projects in partnership with large consumers of heat and electrical power, including the production of dedicated biomass.

The products offered by BBE integrate advanced technologies that enable more efficient, safe and innovative energy generation, so as to maintain its partners focused on their main activity.

BBE’s operation is divided into four segments according to the fuel type and power generation capacity of the enterprise: power plant, co-generation plant, heat recovery and biogas plant.