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_Privacy Policy

The contents of this site include proprietary information, legally protected against disclosure, of Brasil Energy S.A. and its controlled companies (collectively, the “Owners”), and must remain as an exclusive property of the Owners. The information contained in this site is being provided with no guarantee of its complete accuracy and total completeness, as well as without the commitment of being complemented by any additional information. The Owners do not assume any responsibility for any omissions or errors in this document, nor for any loss or damage resulting from the non-authorized use of such information.

The contents of this site include forecasts and statements about future events. These forecasts and statements are primarily based on the current expectations, estimations of future forecasts and trends that affect, or may potentially affect the operational sector, market share, reputation, operational business, financial situation, operational result, margins and cash flow of the Owners.

Although the Owners believe that such forecasts and statements are based on reasonable premises, they are subject to several risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and are made based on the information currently available to the Owners. These estimations should not be interpreted as an assurance of future performance, as the actual results or developments may be substantially different from the expectations described in the forecasts and statements contained in this investment plan. By considering the risks and uncertainties involved, the forecasts and statements about future events included in this site contents may not occur, and also the future results and performance of the Owners may substantially differ from the ones estimated in the forecasts.

The information contained herein is aimed for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as any type of counseling about investments, and neither used for such purpose. Under no circumstances should the contents of this site be considered as a recommendation for investment in the Owners’ stocks or quotas of investment funds that include Owners’ stocks. No information contained in this site should be interpreted as a request, offering or recommendation for the purchase or sale of the Owners’ stocks, quotas of any investment fund or any other securities.